(VELINO) Roma, 31 Mar - "From the individual to the common good: A journey through the works of Dante Alighieri and Ambrogio Lorenzetti" is the title of an event being held on 13 April at the Italian Cultural Institute in Caracas, organised by Professor Franco Nembrini, dean of "La Traccia" School and an expert on Dante Alighieri, whom he considers to be the poet of mercy. Author of "Dante, poet of desire" and founder of La Centocanti publishing house, which produced the DVD "Il Dante", in 2015, Nembrini was invited by the Italian Episcopal Conference to speak about his passion for the "divine poet" and literature on the TV2000 programme. The broadcast called "Midway upon the journey of our life" achieved great success over the following two years. Nembrini has given lectures all over the world, from Europe to Asia, and the United States and Latin America. The talk, which will be introduced by the Italian ambassador to Venezuela, Silvio Mignano, is part of the Cor Magis project, an educational exhibition by the "Compania de las Obras" (CDO Venezuela), which is exhibiting the Buon Governo frescoes, painted by Lorenzetti between 1338 and 1340 in the Sala dei Nove of the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena. vel