800 mila tonnellate di rifiuti di plastica ogni anno, solo dai supermercati Uk. Un'inchiesta
800 mila tonnellate di rifiuti di plastica ogni anno, solo dai supermercati Uk. Un'inchiesta

800 mila tonnellate di rifiuti di plastica ogni anno, solo dai supermercati Uk. Un'inchiesta

marco gritti
rifiuti plastica supermercati

Plastic Supermarkets➡️ Plastic Oceans - Packaging accounts for 40% of the plastic market. ❌We produce 300 million tons of plastic every year, 1/2 of which is for single use plastic. ‼️8 million tons of plastic is dumped into the ocean every year. - ⚠️Fish and seabirds feed on the plastic in the ocean. If you eat fish then you are likely to have ingested plastic. Chemicals from polluted water contaminate marine life and can lead to nervous system and kidney damage. ✏️Mercury is absorbed by plankton and makes it was through the food chain to your plate. Mercury exposure can cause Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimers and Heart disease. - Buy fruit and vegetables that are NOT wrapped in plastic packaging. Take your groceries hone in reusable bags not plastic. Skip the plastic bottles. Drink beverages from reuable bottles or mugs. Stop using plastic straws. - The issue of plastic in the ocean is truly heartbreaking. People don’t realise the extent of the damage that our plastic addiction is causing on the ocean. The sad part is that this is all so easily avoided. It is really not necessary to have everything wrapped in plastic like that, especially the banana. If you care about the state of our oceans, the marine life, our planet and your own health you can aim to reduce your plastic usage and help the global movement by refusing single-use plastics. - @bluethefilm2017 @plasticoceans - #sustainablefish #sustainability #sustainableliving #plasticfree #plasticfreeoceans #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #plasticsupermarkets #recycle #reduce #reuse #reusegram

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