(AGI) - Rome, Nov. 12 - The number of Italians holding keypositions in the United Nations and other major internationalorganisations is increasing - the latest being Filippo Grandi.The list now includes: - FILIPPO GRANDI, UN High Commissionerfor Refugees: the diplomat from Milan previously led the UNagency for Palestinian refugees. Now the UN secretary haspicked him to guide UNHCR - FEDERICA MOGHERINI, EU HighRepresentative for Foreign Affairs: Mogherini, from Rome, is amember of the Democratic Party. She served as foreign ministerwhen she was chosen as EU foreign policy chief - STAFFAN DEMISTURA, UN envoy in Syria: the Italian-Swedish diplomat, asDeputy Foreign Minister in the Monti government, dealt with thedelicate issue of two Italian marines held in India on chargesof murdering two Indian fishermen. He currently holds thedifficult position of Special Representative of the UNSecretary General, Ban Ki-moon, for Syria - ANTONIO VIGILANTE,UN Deputy Special Representative for Liberia: this Neapolitanhas had a long career at the UN. He was appointed by the UNSecretary-General as his deputy special representative for theUnited Nations Mission in Liberia - LUCIANO PORTOLANO,Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: bornin Agrigento, the general took command of the Lebanonpeacekeeping mission joined by 36 countries in 2014. Hereplaced another Italian, General Paolo Serra - ENRICOCREDENDINO, Operation Commander of the European Union NavalForce Mediterranean: born in Turin, the rear admiral leads thenew European naval force engaged in combating the traffickingof migrants in the Mediterranean - FERNANDO GENTILINI, EUenvoy for the Middle East: born in Rome, this diplomat was theEU Special Representative for Kosovo. He is currently the EU'sSpecial Representative for the Middle East Peace Process. (AGI). .