(AGI) Rome, Jan 19 - Italian oil and gas giant Eni has beengranted a three-year extension for the exploration of theprolific Block 15/06 in Angola's offshore. The area is about350 kilometres northwest of the capital Luanda and 130kilometres east of Soyo. The exploration period expired inNovember and Eni requested an extension to complete activitiesalready identified. The three-year plan includes drilling threewells and 1,000 square kilometres of 3D seismic investigation.If the exploration activities are successful, any newdiscoveries will be developed using existing productionfacilities. The extension also includes an area adjacent toblock 15/06, which covers the discovery of Reco-Reco, estimatedto contain about 100 million barrels of oil. Using existinginfrastructure will enable production to begin quickly. ENI CEOClaudio Descalzi said: "The extension of the exploration periodof Block 15/06, which includes the Reco-Reco discovery,recognizes Eni's ability to successfully fulfil the role ofoperator, one which requires both technological innovation anda high level of operational efficiency. Furthermore, it marksan additional success for Eni in Angola." Eni has drilled 24exploration and appraisal wells, and discovered more than threebillion barrels of oil and 850 million barrels of reserves inBlock 15/06, which was acquired in 2006 following internationalbids. The company started production on Nov. 30 at the West HubDevelopment Project, near to block 15/06, four years yearsafter declaring it a commercial discovery. Block 15/06 alsoincludes the East Hub Development Project, which is also underdevelopment and is expected to start production in 2017. In2014, Eni discovered Ochigufu, with an estimated 300 million ofbarrels of oil, which will be linked to the West Hub in recordtime by 2017. Eni is the operator of Block 15/06 with a 35percent stake and Sonangol EP is the concessionaire. The otherjoint venture partners are Sonangol Pesquisa e Producao with 35percent, SSI Fifteen Limited with 25 percent and Falcon OilHolding Angola SA with 5 percent. Angola is a key country inEni's strategy of organic growth. The company has been worth inAngola since 1980 with an average daily production last year ofabout 90,000 barrels of oil equivalent. (AGI) . .