(AGI) Rome, Nov 19 - Italian hackers affiliated with Anonymoushave joined the group's war on ISIS following the Parisattacks. The hacktivist organisation launched a mass operationto reveal the names of ISIS terrorists, intercept theircommunications, and publish their personal information online.One such hacker agreed to tell AGI about the Italian cell'sstrategy on the condition of absolute anonymity. "There arefour people coordinating the offensive. It's an intelligenceoperation that doesn't utilise DDoS attacks," he said,referring to the method typically used to bring down websites."DDoS attacks are usually a diversion, they're easy to carryout, all you need is the right software or access to the DeepWeb [the hidden content of the World Wide Web accessiblethrough the Tor browser, ed.]. There, you can recruit mercenaryhackers and for a handful of dollars, they'll carry the attackout for you." Anonymous has already taken down over 6,000Twitter accounts related to the terrorist group, but "that'sonly an operation for the media, not the real objective," thehacker stated. The true aim of the #OpParis campaign is to"locate and intercept their communications", he explained."They use highly sophisticated systems, the same ones we use,especially VPN [Virtual Private Network, ed.]. It's impossibleto enter a VPN and snatch data, but if we manage to find thecomputer's IP address, we can then download information," hesaid. ISIS uses various communication methods, includingcaptioned images, web broadcasts with coded messages, orsystems such as the communication software contained inPlaystations, which the Paris cell reportedly used. Meanwhile,ISIS published a document on the web for its "brothers of thejihad" in which it lists countermeasures for Anonymous's cyberattacks. "Don't open links if you don't know the sender, useVPN and change your IP address constantly, as well as yourphones and computers, and don't use direct messages onTwitter," the terrorist group said.. .