(AGI) Houston, Nov 17 - The White House has defended the Syrianrefugee entry programme after a Republican protest, followingthe attacks in Paris. A representative of the U.S.Administration described it as an American tradition and thesource of pride - saving lives and making the country richer.The United States expects to welcome 10,000 refugees comingfrom Syria in 2016. Yesterday, President Obama dubbed asun-American the 'Christian religion test' promoted by some GOPpoliticians, quoting also Pope Francis' words. As for thestatements made by 27 U.S. Governors against the entry ofSyrian refugees, the White House underlined that it is a"federal programme in compliance with federal laws", so theSyrian refugees coming to the United States will be "protectedunder the Constitution". The refugees will, however, besubjected to screening measures before admission to therelocation programme - a measure to last 18 to 24 months.(AGI). .