(AGI) Rome, Oct 28 - The extraordinary experience of Expo 2015will play an important role in reaching the Italiangovernment's goal of answering the ever-growing global demandfor Made in Italy food, which in a few short years has doubledItaly's agricultural exports. The creative hub of these topicsat Expo has been the conference room of the "Cibus e' Italia -Federalimentare" pavilion, which has gathered representativesfrom the industrial, agricultural, and distribution sectors in250 meetings that included workshops, conventions, pressconferences, and guided tastings. It was the only pavilion topresent the entirety of Italy's 13 food production chains,thousands of brands and products from 420 companies. Thestructure will be wholly relocated as the new western entranceto the Fiere di Parma's trade show complex. The pieces createdby 13 street artists and coordinated by digital storytellerFelice Limosani will embellish various pavilions as a permanentfeature at Fiere di Parma and also send a message to the fair'shundreds of thousands of yearly visitors on the contemporaneityof Made in Italy food. The Cibus pavilion's contribution willalso continue after the Expo with various projects in themaking, including: replicating the pavilion's format in otherfairs in Italy and abroad; creating a permanent Observatory forphony "Italian sounding" goods; creating a permanent team tofoster synergy among those involved in missions to attractforeign buyers; and promoting new formats of "shop-in-shop"spaces for foreign retailers. .