(AGI) Paris, Nov. 27 - French President Francois Hollande onFriday at a memorial ceremony to honour the victims of thismonth's Paris terror attacks vowed his country would destroyISIS. Meanwhile, tensions between Turkey and Russia remain highafter a Turkish jet shot down a Russian warplane near theSyrian border. Russia pledged more sanctions against Turkey.According to the chairman of the Duma, Sergei Naryshkin, Moscowhas the right to a military response, while Russian ForeignMinister Sergei Lavrov announced that from January visarequirements for Turkish citizens will be reintroduced. TheKremlin has avoided direct contact with Turkish president RecepTayyip Erdogan because Turkey has not apologised for theincident. A Russian presidential adviser added that the Kremlinhas received an official request from the Turkish president tomeet with Vladimir Putin, who is also aware of attempts made byErdogan to initiate a telephone conversation with him. Moscowannounced that Erdogan has asked for a meeting with Putin onthe sidelines of the climate summit opening next Monday inParis. The Turkish president reiterated that he did not want tojeopardise relations with Russia, but called on the Kremlin"not to play with fire". He pointed out that Turkey did notdown the Russian aircraft as a deliberate act, but rather wasadhering to "automatic rules of engagement". Meanwhile, theCrimean authorities announced that Turkey is no longer acandidate for the construction of Crimea's largest mosque inSimferopol, the capital of the Black Sea peninsula that wasannexed by Russia. Two weeks after the terrorist attacks inParis, President Francois attended a memorial ceremony tohonour the 130 victims, whose names were read one by one,including the Italian Valeria Solesin. Hollande promised Francehis country would do its "utmost to destroy the army offanatics" of ISIS. "We will not give in either to fear or tohate," said Hollande, speaking before a crowd of some 2,000,including several wounded and relatives of the victims. "In anact of war, a horde of murderers killed 130 of our people andinjured hundreds in the name of an insane cause and a religiontraduced." Without citing ISIS by name, he identified the enemyas "fanaticism that wants to subject mankind to obscurantism".Meanwhile, in Belgium a sixth man was indicted for the Pariskillings after his arrest in Brussels on Thursday. (AGI). .